Stationary bikes are the antithesis of cool; you are stationary, inside (in front of a TV), and usually your "bike" looks like a medical bed. But the vintage Schwinn stationary bike is a stationary bike with a retro cool style that fits easily into any bike riding hipster's home. With the ability to quickly adjust the seat and handle bars, the original "easy off", as well as having a wide varying level of resistance this stationary bike is effective as a stationary exercise provider and is suitable for those under 40. The classic factory metallic gold and white lettering has a "Grandma's Kitchen" appeal, not the smoking Grandma but the one that loved you and made you apple pie. The dial for increasing the resistance is very effective yet simple and futuristic looking. The mod 50's timer on the speed panel gives this classic stationary bike all the amenities you really need. But, like most stationary bikes, this bike is heavy.
My father bought this factory metallic gold Schwinn stationary bike and instantly gained street cred in the hood.
I have one of these bikes for sale if anyone wants it. Please email me at maile.adolphson@gmail
Did you sell it? How much did you sell it for?
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