YOO! I have been looking for a new bike for months but I could not afford the thousands of dollars for the kind of bike that I wanted. I had been commuting and riding on a tough Marin but it was undersized; I know I had to look at least a little goofy (see above), if not straight Pluto! I was saving my dollars and drooling on the floor of Reser for months when I received the call from WNKU informing me of the prize that I won.
As a fervent supporter of public radio, and one who usually doesn't win contests, I did not remember the contest when they called me on the phone and informed me that I had won the first place prize. I had my choice of a 1000$ dollar gift certificate to Reser Bikes, two tickets to Bonnaroo, or the a CD of the month club for a year. "I'll take the bike!"
The adventure to NKU campus on my undersized Marin.
Having GPS on my Samsung Moment I felt comfortable riding out to NKU campus, where WNKU is located, to pick up the gift certificate. But I missed the turn onto the road that eventually gets there and due to a steep ridge that the university sits on I had to go way past the school. I rode out past 2-75 on Route 9, Licking Pike. There I checked the GPS and Google Maps told me there is a back rode that leads right up to the University. The road was named on my maps at the time so I thought it was cool. Turning onto what could barely be called a dirt road I realized that I just rode back in time. Being a big fan of hiking around unknown parts of KY I knew I had better be one cordial MF (but now TOO cordial) if I were to run into a local back here. The road was more stones than dirt and alot of fun. Hoping I would not see anyone it turned out that seeing someone saved the day. I ran into a man who has lived at that location his whole life, and his Grandfather's Father built the cabin right there in 18 0 something. We talked about the watershed there that his family has lived on for hundreds of years and he informed me that the school that I so sought was going to remove him and his beautiful homestead in order to put in a paved road. He pointed to orange ribbons marking huge ill fated trees showing me how the plans are already under way. This holler was beautiful, an obvious watershed, it would be a shame to remove a real slice of Kentucky's geology to put in another paved road.
He told me if I kept going on the path that there are creeks, snakes, and mud but the path will eventually lead you to the school. I thanked him sincerely and rode off up the path. After crossing a creek twice, mud, and thankfully no snakes, I climbed (carrying my bike up a super steep hill covered in slippery hay). I crossed a grassy field and came to a path. I rode the path and sure nuff' just like the man said, it brought me right to NKU.
Reser Bikes and a thousand dollars.
I love Reser Bikes; I loved them before I won the drawing. The people that work and own Reser bikes are all over the bike scene in Cincinnati, and part of the reason Cincinnati is installing 330 miles of bike paths throughout the city. Reser Bikes offers lifetime tuning!!!!!
I told them what I wanted: A commuter bike, that I can still get off the ground to hop curbs and such, but that would be good for long distance travel as well.
Without a pause my guy at the store showed me the Redline D600 29er. The rims can handle large mountain bike tubes as well as skinnier road tubes, disc brakes, steal chromoly frame preferred when traveling distances, lockable front shocks, strong; I loved it at first sight. I added bright LED lights for the front and back and a detachable back rack and the total came to a smooth 1006 dollars. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.